Our Classrooms
6 weeks – 12 months
The classroom is for infants ages 6 weeks to 12 months. Experienced caregivers provide a warm, nurturing environment for your child to grow and explore. The room is full of fun, stimulating toys, while still providing a calm and soothing environment. Infants are held, sung/read to and played with during the day, stimulating their growth and development. With a ratio of 1 teacher for every 4 children, you can rest assured that your child is receiving the special care and individual attention that he or she needs. We know that each child develops at his or her own pace, and we are here to share in every milestone with you. You can expect daily communication from the staff on how your little one did that day.
12 months – 2 years old
Our toddlers are 12 months to 2 years old. At this point, your child is needs more space and opportunities for movement and exploration. This room provides just that! You will find lots of fun and exciting toys/materials to further develop both fine and gross motor skills. Children will enjoy story time, songs/finger plays, art time and sensory play. This classroom follows a ratio of 1 teacher for every 6 children. In this room, they will start learning concepts such as their colors, shapes, letters and counting. Each day is full of engaging songs, stories, art and playtime that is planned with your child’s developmental needs in mind. Activities and interactions between teachers and children promote expanding their vocabulary.
2 – 3 years old
This classroom is for children aged 2 to 3 years, the ratio in this room is 1 teacher to 10 children. The children start to work on more recognition of colors, shapes, letters and numbers. Each day is full of engaging songs, stories, art and playtime that is planned with your child’s developmental needs in mind. Activities and interactions between teachers and children promote expanding their vocabulary. Children begin to learn skills such as sharing and taking turns. When you and your child are ready it is in this room that the teacher will work with you to help potty train your child.
3 – 4 years
This classroom is for younger 3s, who won’t be moving up to Pre-K in the fall. They will start learning how to use scissors, even though at this stage you will just see scraps and strips of paper. They have lots of fun with art projects, using various mediums and participating in very hands-on activities. It offers a more structured learning environment where your child will learn through large groups. During playtime, this class starts splitting up into small groups in centers. The children learn the boundaries of the classroom and begin to take more responsibility for the area in which they have chosen to play. Children will be fully potty trained by the time they leave this room.
3 – 4 years
This classroom is for the older 3s that will be going to the Pre-K in the fall. They will continue to learning how to use scissors. They have lots of fun with art projects, using various mediums and participating in very hands-on activities. It offers a more structured learning environment where your child will learn through large groups. During playtime, this class starts splitting up into small groups in centers. The children learn the boundaries of the classroom and begin to take more responsibility for the area in which they have chosen to play.
4 – 5 years
The Pre-K Classroom is for children 4 to 5 years old, who will be entering Kindergarten the next fall. Our goal is to have them ready as they head off to school, armed with all the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in Kindergarten. The ratio of this group is 1 teacher for every 12 children.You will find that the Pre-K Classrooms is set up with distinct learning centers around the room. Children are given opportunities daily to choose a center to play in which interests them. Learning centers include, but are not limited to: Blocks, Dramatic Play, Math, Science, Art, Reading and Sensory. Teachers may rotate materials into the centers or offer a special center option based on what the children are learning about at that time.
Enrichment Programs

Spiritual Connection

Summer Program